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Tony wonders what's going on, Spencer always knows what's up, Spike's excited to meet his penpal, and Sam just tries to hang on to his control.FebruNew York City, NY (US TV 'Saturday Night Live' performing 'Come Back Jonee' & 'Love TKO'. Debbie performed Rapture and several other songs)ĭecemClub 4D, New York City, NY (Lip syncing 'French Kissing') Chris Stein and Clem Burke also performed on the show)īonds International Casino, New York City, NY (Debbie, Chris & Jimmy appeared with Nile Rodgers & Bernard Edwards at a benefit for Anya Phillips.

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JanuNew York City, NY (US TV 'Saturday Night Live' performing 'French Kissin' & 'In Love With Love'. Band included Chris Stein, Leigh Foxx, Jimmy Clark)ĭecemMadison Square Garden, New York City, NY (Benefit concert. Debbie sang backup for Lou Reed)ĭecemBeacon Theater, New York City, NY (Aids benefit.

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#Jimmie gay massage los angeles archiveīand included Chris Stein, Leigh Foxx, Thommy Price, and Phil Ashley.

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